Monday, September 15, 2008

Kids bathroom

OK we are not afraid to pt color on the walls of our house. In the kids rooms we have colors named "Atomic Vomit", "Bikini Bottom Blue", "Building Block Blue", "Princess Pink" in our Kitchen we have "Harvest Orange" our bedroom is two shades of blue. A few weekends ago Mamalang painted the kids bathroom Bright Yellow, talk about a way to wake the kids up in the morning! While putting everything back into the bathroom we decided to embrace the rubber ducks the kids have and love. Rubber duckie, shower curtain stays, Rubber duck towel holder on the wall (including kewl water painted under it by Mamalang) so the shelf/cabinet of fake wood just didn't match anymore. Mamalang asked if I could make a shelf to go in there. I went in and looked and told her YUP! Out to "Man Land" I went, otherwise known as our garage. I had made a hutch for PB's craft desk in the basement and it kind of looked like the sail of a boat so I knew what I was going to build. I built a sail boat, the hull is storage for plastic bins ML bought that holds the girls hair ties/scrunchies/clips/STUFF. The sail is shelving for hair care products. Some of the kids rubber ducks went on for decoration. Not bad for a project that actually I got done in 2 days 3 days if you include the painting ML did. Everyone that sees it thinks it cute and the kids love it.

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