Sunday, November 30, 2008

In a Different Desert...

OK I though that FT Bliss TX was a sand pit. I am now in Kuwait and honestly El Paso was a dusty sage brush desert cactus garden. This place has NOTHING but sand, check that, it has a kind of dust that is about the same consistency of talcum powder but the color of sand. I have gotten to see a heard of camels, that was cool since when I was in Egypt all I got to see was 2 or 3 of them and one all most ran me over! I will add pics of the camels later. I have made sure I got the kids christmas preseants cause even though I am not going to be there christmas morning does nto mean that something from me can't be! I got them ACU back packs for 2 and an ACU Boonie hat for one. I got their names on it in english and aribic. I think they will like them. I am adding pics of them here with this post.

Mamalang is supposed to be adding a link on here to Operation Happy Note (
They send musical instuments free to US military members that are deployed in combat zones no charge at all to the member! They have had thousands of instuments donated to them to send out but not quite enough for postage to send them out! Please if you read this and can help send them a few dollars. For everythign that they do and have done it is a great service they are doing for us deployed folks to get a little bit of home. They only need $35 to send out an instrument! They are a few months behnd sending out the instuments because of nothing more than needing postage. Please again give them a hand if you can!!!!!

I am going to finish up by saying that I have been married to MamaLang for 11 years, I love her more now than ever and the time we have been apart has shown me more ways in which I want, need rely on her in every thing that I do. I tell people that she is my better half, I think that is a very true statement. She is definitly the better of us and she is definitly part of me, a part I miss very very much. I Love You Honey!

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